These are all songs produced by Mike Dunbar over the years. He's played bass on all of them. Some of them he played every instrument, some almost every instrument. Some of them he wrote. Mike has obtained permission to present each song here for streaming audio
Here is Mike playing and singing everything on the song "Alibis and Lullabies" which he cowrote with Ralph Whiteway. Scroll down for more examples of Mike as a "One Man Band" where he does it all (or mostly) himself.
This is Joanne Lurgio singing "My Heart Has a Crazy Mind of its Own" from her album, "Nothing Ramains the Same," produced by Mike. This album won Motif Magazine's Americana Album of the Year.
Here again is Christian artist, Michael James Moore's song "The Rapture." The background voices are members of the Nashville Cowboy Church.
This is Joanne Lurgio's "Stone Walls" written by Dan Bourdeau and Three Tall Pines, her son's band.
Here is Jeff Epperson singing his song "It's All Country"
And, ace session singer, Tim Buppert, singing "Montana Sun" by Tom Yeager and Adlai Waxman.
Here's Samuel (Joe) Harris' "Oklahoma Crude" sung by George Clark:
Christian artist Michael James Moore singing his song "You Are."
This is Bailey Bridges singing her jazzy song "Froggy Bottom."
German country star Michael Bohe, singing a song Woody Woodard and Mike's Song "Hardwood Floors"